The Good Life

Getting the best out of life

You Must Give in Order to Receive

The key to getting others to do for you is to be more than willing to
give more than you receive. People will admire you as a leader if they
know that you will be there for them when they need you.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are some people who won’t appreciate
anything that you do for them, and there are some who take anyone’s
kindness for weakness. There honestly is nothing that you can do
about these types except to not give them room to take advantage
of you.

You should be willing to do more than you ask for. Your followers need
to know that you will gladly assist them in any way that you can when
they need your help.

One of the best ways to show concern is to be willing to listen when
people need to talk to you. People who share their problems with you
may do so because thet sincerely feel that you are able to help them.
This means that they look up to you as a leader. You must learn to
be attentive to the problems of others even though they may seem
trivial to you. You might have worse problems but avoid the temptation
to override their conversation to tell them about your problem which
you perceive to be greater.

You must be willing to give your help, time, compliments,and attention
to others if you expect to receive these things from others.
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June 23, 2010 - Posted by | Relationships, Self Improvement

1 Comment »

  1. You just described a good listener. not many around though.

    Comment by nobusysignal | June 23, 2010 | Reply

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